Saturday, June 19, 2010

Home Movies...

For Father's Day/Mother's Day I am converting our old home movies to DVDs. Wow. I have laughed till I cried and cried till I laughed alone in this house. It is so fascinating to see my mother in her 20s with so much on her shoulders and still carry herself with grace. It's amazing to see my parents as present, attentive, and patient as I've always remembered. It is so overwhelming to see the love in their eyes. It's truly been empowering to me over the last few days. I have seen these videos a handful of times in my life and each time I come away feeling something different.

circa 1985

To my amazing parents....
As I sit here (up way too late because I can't pull myself away) watching these home movies, I am overwhelmed by your love. You have both been nothing but encouraging, kind, grateful, and loving toward me and I am forever grateful to you. 

Mom, as I watched you fumble with a package and immediately had a flash back of sitting in the waiting room of the hospital, anxiously awaiting news from the doctors. I am overcome with the feeling that we almost lost you. I am so thankful to have had you this long and I know that each day we get to spend together is such a blessing. 

Dad, thank you for always teaching me... well... anything and everything. You never hesitated to let me try and coach me sweetly. 

I know I can never express my love and admiration for you to the fullest but know that I try :).

Love you!!!

1 comment:

  1. My Dearest Daughter,
    You were such an easy child to love! You are having a unique experience to be able to see yourself as I saw you - a beautiful, funny, sensitive, intelligent, loving child with such a bright future. I pray that years from now you will be able to look back and see yourself as you are now ~ the fulfillment of all the dreams God gave your Daddy and me. Love, Mom.

    I praise God that I have been given the gift of sharing my life with you and watching you grow into a beautiful Christian people-loving young woman who is alway ready to eloquently express the joys in her life. You will not know how much you mean to me until you have your own child and can feel the God-given love only experience through the parent/child relationship. And to think it all started on a Father's Day! Love, Dad.



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