Thursday, July 22, 2010

Camp is serious stuff!

Camp was AWESOME!  We had a great group of 24 kids and 9 "adults".

The message was based on Micah 6:8 - "He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God."

What a great message for our kids [and for me too]!  I was very convicted by the act justly lesson because I don't always treat people as they should be treated... especially Da. And I unconsciously take advantage of the fact that he's old and forgets easily... but he does remember how people make him feel and I have not made an effort to make him feel welcome and wanted.

HFC has some of the most awesome kids ever... I'm NOT just trying to be nice because some of you read my blog :). I expected drama with that many kids and especially with that many girls but there really wasn't any! The kids were well behaved and pretty responsible. We had a couple of the younger boys losing their stuff on a daily basis but everyone was where they were supposed to be when they were supposed to be there. I witnessed several of the girls reaching out to some of the more withdrawn/shy kids and that was extremely touching.

This part is borrowed from Shirley's Blog because she's a better writer than me... :)
We had an opportunity to meet, Brooke, a Compassion International sponsored child, now in his senior year in college in Kenya studying social work. His passion is to start an orphanage in Kenya to help those who have no hope. What an amazing testimony. He shared what life would be like in Kenya living in poverty. Both of his parents are gone. All of his childhood friends are gone. A typical home is a 10x10 shanty that will hold from 4-6 people. IF they have any food, it is only one meal per day of vegetables and a maize flour mixture called ugali. He said that Africans are praying people – they pray night and day because they are totally and utterly dependant upon God. They pray and give thanks for a meal that isn’t even in front of them yet!! He didn’t have a pair of shoes until he was 9. On Sunday, he was wearing flip-flop style shoes made out of motorbike tires!!

The most profound thing that I took away from his talk was his comment about how easy it is to complain in America. We have SO much and we are SO comfortable and SO blessed, and yet we find things to complain about! He said that in Africa, they don’t complain – they are so thankful when they do receive a meal. Amazing!


  1. I am not a better writer than you, girl! Thanks for a great post - I, too, saw a lot of God's kindness coming out through the kids. The weekend had its challenges, but it was super overall :) Thanks for your kind words at just the right time!


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