Thursday, March 11, 2010

Busy busy!

Whew!  I have been so flippin busy lately!  I've also kinda been in a funk... I think I'm just overwhelmed but even mundane stuff has felt overwhelming lately.  I'm ready for this to pass!
**TRC = The Rehab Center - our outpatient therapy clinic
**GRMC = Gadsden Regional Medical Center - the hospital I work for
**RRMC = Riverview Regional Medical Center - the hospital my mom works for & where my Da is
**PRN = i don't know what that stands for but it means weekend and afternoon work as needed
Monday - Work (TRC all day), lunch at the RRMC, cooked dinner, sat at RRMC till 11
Tuesday - Work (GRMC in the morning, TRC in afternoon), Healthsouth and drug test at lunch to get some paperwork to start PRN work, dinner at Los Arcos, went to Allen's to watch Biggest Loser
Wednesday - Work (TRC all day), lunch at The Alabama Gift Company, cooked dinner and took it to RRMC, stayed till 9:30
Thursday - Work (GRMC in the morning, TRC in afternoon), Healthsouth for more paperwork at lunch, enjoyed some time with my aunt Lisa, dinner was left-over pizza in the car, worked at gold's from 7-9 (next week is my last week)
Friday - Work (TRC in the morning, GRMC in the afternoon) work at gadsden health care at lunch - thanks for the reminder - Rachel, go to Healthsouth for more stuff.

Rachel thought it would be cute to put her sunglasses on Bronco...

.... and she was so right!

It's been rainy yuck lately and my sweet white dog is very brown!  I can't wait till the rain passes and we can take him to Petco for a bath!

Da is still in the hospital and still battling pneumonia and COPD.  His oxygen levels are lower at night and he has been very confused.  My aunt Lisa and mom have been sitting around the clock and giving each other breaks. We're all a little concerned about my mom because she is sitting with him tonight after working two 12 hour shifts in the ER.  After work today, I picked my aunt up at the hospital and took her to see some houses that she's been interested in for a couple of years (built by an architect that she loves... not to buy).  We found one that was empty but couldn't find a way in.  The sweet lady next door (in a much prettier house) saw us and invited us to look around her house.  It was exquisite!  Lisa was in house heaven!

1 comment:

  1. I love how you stated this "**PRN = i don't know what that stands for but it means weekend and afternoon work as needed"!!

    Hugs for da and your whole family right now!


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